Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pening choose benda!

12th November, aku amik leave just so we can meet up with our ID. Si Qiey baru balik kerja that morning so at 2pm, ID kita (and his junior) fetch us and bring us around Singapore. Well almost ah.   

Ok the ID we choose is Omus Living. Terus terang, aku malas max part nak recce recce ni semua. Bila nak kawin pun gitu. Pergi expo, nampak pelamin Decorama cantik, ok sign. Sign dengan WeddingKu cause abang aku nyer good friend punya wife is 1 of the mak andams. Ah camtu ah. So aku choose Omus cause the ID is my good friend. Settle. Furthermore, I've seen their works and I love them so lets go!   

Kita went over to choose table top for kitchen cabinet. Sememangnyer korang tahu yang aku idam kan pink kitchen so mine shall be pinkish whitish kitchen! Yeayyy! Aku actually nak hot pink and black but I think I'll settle with pastel pink and white instead. Lagi sweet kan, macam aku.   

Ok next!

Ah ni stop best sebab I get to choose lotsa things!! Ah iyer, part total sum pun best jugak. Macam free gitu kan. gah! We started off with the kitchen sink and tap. I'm the type of person yang suka sink besar. So far sinks at my houses are all yang half half. Aku rimas ah geng. Especially part nak wash the mixing bowl. So I settled with this Franke sink. Salegirl cakap ni walaupun branded, tapi murah and it is anti scratch. Aku tak tahu menahu pasal sink branded. aku tahu bags jer. Hah!

And lepas cuci pinggan mangkok, I sometimes have the habit of scrubbing the sink. Abeh leceh nak wash off the soap with the tap being stagnant. Aku pulak fall in lup dengan kawan aku nyer tap. Best sey ni, can take off and spray the whole sink. Superb! Aku takde eyes for any other tap. Aku terus choose yang ni.

Next, toilet sinks. Actually rumah kita memang dah ada toilet sink ah tapi sajer jer kita nak spice up sikit toilet kita. I'm a sucker for pretty things lah. I ended up choosing these 2. 1  for MBR toilet and another for the common toilet.

Abeh sink tap pulak, we love the round tap cause the water keluar macam fountain gitu. Cool kan! Wanted to take for  both toilets tapi orang tu cakap since sink kita 1 rectangular,   we take something rectangular jugak lah. Then after afew days, we decided to change both to the circle tap instead. Too pretty lah, must get for both toilets noh!

The oven! The oven! Aku nampak oven ni, aku fall in lup! Maybe cause it looks so slick and full mirror so sambil tunggu cake aku menjadi, aku boleh duduk depan oven and tangkap jambu eh.   

With bigger oven, I can bake bigger cakes! Or even bake  more cupcakes at 1 time! Or bake 2 pans of 9" or 10" cakes at a go! Best nyer! Best nyer! Best nyerrrrrrrrrrrr!!! 

Kita beli apa lagi eh kat sana. Ermmmm.... I think kipas, water heater, bidet spray & strip lights. Tu semua aku tak amik gambar cause either aku lupa or tak perlu or not in shop and only in catalogue. 

Dah settle our purchase so off to choosing the colours of  our wardrobes and such. Banyak yang kita kene choose becauseeeee.... Because stonecold say so! Kalau rumah dah in the progress of siaping, akak amik gambar then uollz will know why. 

Semalam, 26/11/2013, ID kita bilang yang niari dah boleh start hacking. Means renovation is starting vair vair soon. and little will we know, our house will be ready. InShaaAllah InShaaAllah!

Ya Allah, myself and Qiey are super dee duper excited. Tak sabar sabar rumah nak start reno and especially when it is over. InShaaAllah all will turn out good. Pray for our smooth "delivery" k. Bahahahaha!   

P/S Dan and Epin, thank you layan kan karenah kita. We trust you 2 on making our fernvale rumah idaman. Huahahaha!   

P/S/S Dan and Epin are our dear friends yang kacak dan segak (angkat sikit bro). They're from Omus Living so if you guys are looking for IDs, you can check them out yaw!

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