Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Anggerik Impian, HANCUR IMPIAN!


Uolls tauuu…. * suara makcik kepo*… Last weekend yang kat my friend’s wedding tu, kecoh uolls! Nak tau cerita, ah sila baca.

On Saturday, 20th October 2012, Rozi (si pengantin) WhatsApp kat groupchat kita yang dia tak jadi nikah kat bawah. Nikah kat atas jer. Nanti dah jumpa boleh cerita. Aku dah suspect macam something not right ah.

Kita bridesmaids kene fall in by 12noon abeh bila aku tiba at 12:30pm (aku Melayu dok), aku tengok tu void deck macam kosong jer. Kain yang tergantung kat ceiling pun tak banyak. Wall pun tak dililit. Aku cwi belakang, aik pelamin togel. Aku dah mushkil. Apa cerita ni? Takkan Rozi aku nyer deco ni macam jer kan? Dia nikah lagik 1.5 hours jer sey. Aku tau Rozi nyer taste better than that sey. Then aku nampak Nurul (1 of the bridesmaids) kat bawah. Aku tanyer lah, “Nurul, apa hal?” abeh Nurul cakap “Décor MIA lah sey!”

Apakah?! Jeng jeng jeng! (“apakah” tu macam “what” dalam bahasa Malaysia. Cousin aku yang blaja kat UIA, KL, yang ajar aku)

Bila dah sampai atas, alahai kesian Rozi mata merah padam. By the time aku sampai, dia dah stop nangis ah tapi alahai serious aku cannot imagine if I’m in her position. Aku rasa aku nangis macam aku tak cukup tepung bila nak bake benda.

Si Shidek ni (owner of Anggerik Impian hakpuik!) MIA lah sey. Call call call tak angkat. Message 44 kali pun tak reply. Dah gertak pun, tak gentar weyh! Dia pergi hantar 3 budak around 13 years old, to set up the void deck. Abeh ni 3 hamlau tak tau pa per eh?! Bingit per! Tanya anything, kept saying “tak tau”. Aku suspect tu Shidek dah suruh dorang cakap “tak tau” jer ah macam cerita Madu Tiga, si Ramlee suruh kawan dia cakap “kesian” jer. Fed up per!

Beh atlast kawan-kawan aku yang tolong set up the pelamin & skirting semua. Ya Allah pelamin dia seriously berkeladak (see photo). Kawan aku sampai kene beli, aper tu, Febreeze ke aper ah to sental the pelamin tapi tetap taklei hilang! Kalau aku tau, aku amik gambar, zoom in sey! Kerusi kat pelamin, Ya Allah kotor! Ada big patch of uglinest there. AND tu bukan kerusi yang kawan aku nak eh! Cekik darah sak!

Abeh si Shidek ni boleh call cakap nak kasi sireh darah. Konon pukul 1pm dia will sampai ah. Tiba masa, pukul 3pm baru sampai TAPI bukan dia yang turun, dia hantar dia punya kuncu. Kau fikir kita heran sangat dengan sireh dara kau tu? Hok aloh, sireh dara kakak sdare aku buat lagi lawa lah dok. Tu décor patut kau settle kan dulu! Abeh asal taknak turun sendiri? Nampak sah PENGECUT. Ni ah lelaki yang tak berani. Kental.

Asik mentak Rozi do the payment every month abeh sendiri nyer service pecah. Hello, Rozi did bayar every month ok. Even without him reminding, of course Rozi will bayar. Kawan aku ada duit punya orang lah weyh. And her balance were only $290 which dia thought of paying after the wedding. Memang balance sikit selalu paid after wedding per! Mangkok ah lu Shidek!

Atlast nikah jugak ah kat bawah walaupun pelamin dia macam _________ (fill in the blank eh).

Nasib baik Nurul ada contacts dengan kawan dia, Fendy (owner of awesome Estheme), yang takde décor that week & boleh buat maha last minute eh! Alhamdullillah. KUDOS ESTHEME!

Fendy & staffs all turned up that night around 8pm. Dorang ano semua from scratch & they ended quite late ah around 4am like that? Walaupun dorang cannot get fresh flowers, I tell you, their flowers are so clean, they look like fresh ones! Dorang sempat gosok those chair covers ok!!! And every single details displayed under that void deck are gorgeous. All of us are really really pleased by Estheme.

Aku got teary eh typing this. What the hell hahaha!

Sampai sekarang, Shidek is not contactable. Nak settle secara baik, taknak kan. Abeh tak tau, lu tunggu surat saman datang eh. Jangan main-main, kita semua fierce tau. *tunjuk angkong ikan coil* Kawan aku dah report police then nak gi sub-court. Watch out Shidek.


SUPPORT ESTHEME!!! Pakkal aku dah kawin. Kalau tak, aku engage Estheme for my décor. Jangan marah Decorama, I still love you. Heh!


P/S Please spread the word around. Nak share blogpost ni pun boleh.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dah 1 year seyyy


Wahhhhh dah 1 year sey kawin! Feeweet! Selamat pengantin baru, eh salah, selamat anniversary to both of us!

Dulu zaman ITE, aku tak pernah tau si Qiey ni wujud. Pastu bila time poly, dia mentel add aku kat msn sebab konon kawan kita 1 ni, Ikin, suka forward forward emails & kebetulan email aku selalu 1st so dia main add. Tak malu sey. Muahahahah!!!

Abeh dah add kan, mesti ah aku nak tau siapa. Dia kasi gambar pun, aku tak cam. Tap tup, ekhem, dahhh berpacaran. Then tunang then nikah. We didn't drag long for our relationship. Early 2008 kenal, late 2009 tunang, late 2011 nikah, 09/10/11. Alhamdullillah everything was planed by Him, nicely.

Moga pernikahan kita berkekalan hingga ke, yes you are right, Jannahtul Firdaus. May we keep guiding each other to the right path & may Allah keeps showering us with sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Ameeeennnnnnnnnn!!!


P/S And of course doas from our loved ones are greatly appreciated. Terima kasihhh!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Aku masih kurus!


Compare diri aku dulu dengan sekarang, aku can't deny that aku gained alot of weight. From the cheecks to the tummy to the bum. Ohhhhh yes!

Aku actually do prefer the weight i'm carrying now TETAPI masalah nyerrr, those fats goes to the wrong place! If you know what i mean. Kalau they go to the correct place, confirm plus chop badan aku macam Miranda Kerr. Or infact, org ingat Miranda Kerr yang ikut badan aku. Tapi tu semua "KALAU". Fact is, aku boncit.

Ni belum ada anak, kawan aku dah kacau aku "tu dah brapa bulan?" Kong ajiak Sue. Ada pulak cakap "Eh perut kau stoppit eh Anz" *stares at Rin*

Aku tak whining jer eh. I do something to make myself look better seperti jogging BUT aku dah tak pergi sejak bulan puasa that time. Kata nak start balik, tak start start. Bahahaha!!

FYI, gi jogging bukan for keeping myself in shape jer tetapi for also keeping myself fit. Tak semestinya orang kurus taklei exercise per. Apa? Aku masih kurus what?!

*look at self* Aku masih dalam golongan orang kurus k. Cuma dulu aku kudut. You see the difference? Hahahaa denial eh! Aku dulu kudut sampai ex aku & his friends panggil aku Papan. Klaka per?! *tumbok*

Ok ok orang nak panggil aku gemok, aku boleh accept TETAPI kalau orang cakap "Eh kau dah macam kakak kau", tu part gua taklei accept man!! Hahahaha!! Yes memang kita adik beradik, muka sama i can't deny, tapi please eh, dia 3 kali ganda aku. Rilekkkkk sudah! Or maybe 4? Hahahaha!!

"Eh bulat nyer kau sekarang? Iyer lah dah kawin kan, dah bahagia" Oh clichè! Stoppit eh! Abeh dulu aku tak bahagia ah? *jeling tajam* Hahahahaha!!

To conclude, pipi aku plus perut plus punggong all naik sebab, iyer lah sekarang kan aku selalu bake, kemungkinan besar tu baking power stuck kat tempat-tempat tu sebab tu makin naik. Ni cerita benar, bukan rekaan semata-mata. Tak payah pakai botox nyah!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The fickle woman!


This is a very open heart blog post i must say. And pretty confusing. Wana know why? BECAUSE I AM A FREAKING FICKLE WOMAN. Hahahaa ok read on and you'll know what I'm trying to say.

This photo attached here in this post is THE reason why i'm NOT ready to be a mom. Please don't judge. Hahaha! And of course there are other reasons besides this naivë thinking. Other reasons which i shall not point out.

Ya ya whenever i see those married women who are pregnant makes me wana get pregnant too. Especially when they are my friends. I can't deny. BUT the next second, i'll say "Eh taknak ah! Bukan senang jadi mak."

Then last month, my menses was one week late. I pray to God that i'll be pregnant BUT the next second, i hope it is just a false alarm & hope my menses will come soon.

When i checked with pregnancy test, it was negative. The 1st impression was "Alah tak pregnant lagik" and then the next second "Woohoo tak pregnant!" Seriously aku tak tau apa aku nak. Confusing kan?!

I wonder if i am the only woman who is like this or ada lagi other women that are as fickle as me? Kejap nak kejap taknak. Macam nak beli bag pulak. Ke beli kasut ke. Ke beli aper aper lah!

I know of these 2 women who actually doesn't wana get pregnant first but they got pregnant and then miscarriaged. THAT is what i'm afraid off. Guess that is the reason why God won't make me pregnant now?

Some people said that if you get pregnant, you will automatically be ready and blabla and yadayada. Well perhaps when the time comes. The time which comes laterrrrrrrr and not so soon. Heh!

Please don't tell my mom about this. She'll start to lecture me again and she'll buy me this & that for me to consume so i'll get pregnant. Gosh mom!

For a meantime, i shall improve myself to be a better ummah which i hope when i get pregnant (not soon enough), i'll be a perfect mom. Bi'iznillah.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Family surpriseeeee!! =)


Aku complain kat Qiey that on my birthday, dia kerja pulak. Abeh kerja 1 shift jer takpe jugak, kerja 2 shifts eh! Its 3pm to 7am harap maklom. Abeh aku gi jer ah kerja. Nak apply leave pun wasted.

So semalam after work, went to my SIL's place. Selalu nyer gi rumah MIL tapi yesterday tuka location since my MIL pun nak gi sana.

Once reached, aku tengok asal macam banyak makanan eh. Abeh utensils byk colour pink pulak tu. lain macammmm jer. Aku dah suspect, mesti nak celebrate birthday aku. HAHAHA! Sekali bila tengah duduk-duduk, "Assalamualaikummmm!" HOMG tu suara my family members! Dan sesungguhnyer tidak shiak lagi, it was a surprise for me.

I am soooo touched & was trying sooooo hard to not cry hahaha!! I got so tired of smiling from ear to ear. Abeh happy sey, senyum jer ah. And then bila nampak the cake, hahahaha i smiled like a 4year old girl abeh tengok jer cake tu. And then bila receive the presents, Ya Allah irritating nyer suara aku!!

Thank you so much Qiey for organising the surprise. How can i not be thankful for having u as my imaam. Thank you to my family & in-laws for joining in the special occasion. Hahaha! And the foods & the presents. Happy sangatttt!!!

I got a Guess watch from my siblings. I got alotttttt of baking stuffs from my in-laws. I got a Happycall Pan from Qiey. Wa manyak happy wohhh!! (photos will be at Instagram)

May Allah keeps showering us with His barakah & keep our bonding as close as it is now. I heart everyone of you & i really pray that we shall all gather again in Jannah.


P/S I'm typing this in the train & i got teary at the same time smiling to myself. I am a crazy birthday girl.

P/S/S Adik aku ingat aku nampak dia bila dia dekat bawah but i didnt notice him ley hahaha! Selenger!

P/S/S/S My boss is on leave. Woohooo!! Macam tau jer dia that aku taknak tengok muka dia on every 13th Sept. Last year dia hantar aku gi course hahaha!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Haiz kalau ikut perangai aku dulu, ni blog hari-hari ada post. Baca balik those old blogs of mine, reminds me of alot of things sey. Mana yang outburst pasal boyfriend, mana yang aku write movie reviews, mana yang aku merayap sampai ke Bangkok. So free lah?!

Anywayssss kalau that time aku ada tudungvasary, sekarang aku ada workivasary too. Hah! Aku actually nak bilang korang yang after 3 years working in Bescon Consulting Engineers Pte (since 1st September 2009), Alhamdullillah i have been promoted from M&E Drafter to M&E Design Drafter. Yeayyy!! That additional 1 word means alot I guess. Hahahahahha!!

I remember vividly macam mana boss aku marah aku sampai aku nak nangis. He even said "If you're not interested, you can find other job. Don't waste my time here". Waste his time tau, not my time. So selfish! Hahahah!!

Seriously, 1st year in Bescon was really tough. Macam kat boot camp bro! Boss aku asik carik pasal dengan aku. Boss aku tu bukan boss betul ah. Dia boss tak betol. LOL! No lah i mean dia Chief Drafter. Not a QP (if you know what i mean, for engineering line) pon cuma dia incharge of us drafters ah. Tapi dia apa kesah, Associate Directors yang pangkat tinggi dari dia pun dia boleh makan. Cuma our bosses (total now ada 7!) jer kalau dia bual, pijak semut pun tak mati!!

But without a doubt, actually orang dia okay ah. Aku tak cakap dia baik, dia okay jer. Out of 10, aku rate dia 2. Hahahahaha!! What?? I wanted to give 1.5 ok. I'm talking about his character. Kalau cakap pasal engineering line ni, he knows everything.

Enough of him. So the main point here is, aku survived 3 years here. Ikut kan hati, aku nak blah. Tapi ikut kan imaan, InShaAllah aku sabar & bersyukur. Yang penting, aku tak jual anggur. Sesungguhnya aku tahu Allah uji aku within my strength.


P/S If it is not for him, aku tak print out doa mula kerja & end kerja & paste kat tepi aku agaknyer. LOL!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Treasure your loved ones



Semalam aku melawat bestfriend aku, Mas, punya mama meninggal. Aku tengah ngaji on the way to work dalam train, handphone dalam bag vibrate. Aku rasa macam tak shiok. Aku tengok, nama Mas's husband, Aswad. Aku rasa makin tak shiok. At 1st Aswad cakap mama tengah nazak. Sekali the next minute, Aswad cakap mama dah pergi. Begitu jugak aku nangis dalam train. Orang depan, kanan & kiri aku terkejut & tengok aku macam aku ni alien.

Mama was sucha a strong woman but suddenly she was diaognised with pnuemonia & lungs infection. 2 & 1/2 weeks in hospital and then she came back to Allah, just like that. Innallillah wainnalillahi roji'un. May she be placed with pious people in this holy month.

Teringat aku that i lost 2 uncles in 2 Ramadhans. Within that year too, i lost another uncle so total i lost 3 uncles in a year. All are my mom's brothers.

Sedih tu memang sedih tapi setiap manusia yang hidup mesti meninggal. And aku tak boleh imagine losing my loved ones. Sebab tu sekarang aku treasure dorang sangat sangat. Biar lah bapak aku selalu lambat. Biar lah mak aku selalu bising. Biar lah siblings aku selalu irritating. Biar lah Qiey selalu snores (HAHA). Sebab kalau dorang dah takde, i'm sure i'm gona miss all that.

Kita tak pernah tau bila kita mati, macam mana kita mati, dekat mana kita mati tapi InShaAllah kalau kita menjaga aurat kita, Allah akan menjaga aurat kita jugak. Kalau kita orang yang baik, mesti kita meninggal dengan cara yang baik.

Yang penting, kita mesti sentiasa ready to face Him. Solat jangan ditinggalkan. Ngaji biar berlebihan. Puasa jangan yok yok. Donation biar generous. InShaAllah kita akan selamat.

Semua orang takut nak mati tapi tak semua orang takut dengan Allah. Wallahualam. #selfreminder


Tuesday, July 31, 2012



I dont know what got into me now that i loveeee baking. Well i love baking from last time tapi sekarang is loveeee!! See the difference? Dulu love with 1 'E'. Now with 4 'E's. Loveeee!

It all started when this mentel girl aka Nisha, did those nutella blossoms. She shared with me the recipe & i tried. Little did i know, i got addicted.

So far i've done creampuffs, eclairs, scones, cookies, cakes, cakepops & cupcakes with different designs & taste. From red velvet to chocolate to vanilla. Alhamdullillah majority turned out great. And everyone who tried them, love them. Except for my annoying niece who said tak sedap because she's not a cake lover. Thanks eh! Terguris hati cik Ica! Nasib baik kau only 6 years old! Hahaha!

InShaAllah in time to come i'll bake more things like kuih raya (since raya nak dekat). But i dont have the time lah now. Maklom lah, bulan puasa ni nak buat banyak ibadah kan. Lol.

And macarons!! I've tried making it FOUR times but to no avail. Sadded. Takpe jangan give up! Must do it again & again & again & zzzz....

These pops (in photo) pun last minute buat sebab kawan aku 1 yang irrit, Faeza, cakap tekak dia rasa nak cakepop. 1 pun jadi ah dia cakap. Nasib dia baik i still have some in the fridge. So i melted some chocolates & dip in those colors. Abeh the cup color hijau ala-ala cakepop aku pakai skirt ah then the hearts are like ribbon. Cute eh! Bahaha!! Oh dont mind the toothpick, my lillipop sticks dah abes noh.

And i'm excited for an order for my friend for her sister's wedding. I have afew designs already!! Yippi!! InShaAllah they will turn out great too.

Kalau nak tengok more photos of my desserts, you can visit my FB under album "Hot Hot Heat" or Instagram #_anzbaking. Promote nampak haha!


P/S Aku type ni draft bile tengah baring abeh handphone jatuh kat muka aku. Eh tak sakit ah, shiok! T___T

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ramadhan kita chionggg!!


Aku suka sey shahrul Ramadhan. Ish noooo shahrul Ramadhan bukan seorang jejaka yang tampan. Mampoz Qiey sampiong aku! Shahrul tu makna nyer "bulan" in Arabic. Ishhh nooo bukan "moon" lah. Bulan as in "month". *smacks jendol*

Nari dah hari ke tujuh kita berpuasa. So far so good, Alhamdullillah. Puasa tak tinggal. Solat fardhu, solat tarawih, ngaji semua tak miss jugak. Ahhh tu sebab aku suka shahrul Ramadhan ni! Senang nak buat ibadah sebab "members rapat" kita aka syaitan, kene lock up bro! Duduk riman dengan budak-budak anak metropolitan.

Kau tengok eh, syaitan semua kene lock up tapi kita tak take advantage of their absense, kan rugi. Abeh tak tau, kita chiong ah. Kita overtime ah hari-hari buat amal ibadah ni semua. Ganjaran nyer, kita saksikan di akhirat kelak. Kita tak akan menyesal. Boleh confirm plus chop!

Dulu aku suka bulan ni pasal 1 sebab, nak berhari rayaaaa!! Woooo!! Tapi tu zaman aku masih belum matang. Masih kental buah lychee. Sekarang dah matured kan jadi dah tuka mindset of Ramadhan.

Aku pun suka tengok kawan-kawan aku post kat Facebook yang dorang pergi tarawih. Ada pun pergi masjid time Zohor & Asar pastu check-in kat Facebook. WOW! (not in sarcastic mode, really!) Syukran jazillah. May Allah accept their deeds.

Aku harap-harap tabiat baik kita ni akan berterusan even lepas Ramadhan. Jangan pulak tabiat baik ni jadi tebiat! Bila Ramadhan dah habis, terus gone by the wind. Wasted beb!

Aku harap-harap jugak korangz pun tengah bertungkus-lumus nak dapat grade A* untuk bulan ni. Jumpa you alls in Jannah, InShaAllah!


P/S I can hear myself shout "Spartan! This is Ramadhan!!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



That day bila tengah sebok nak bukak blog baru, aku teringat, "Eh lek, sekarang dah July. July July July oh aku start pakai tudung full time July last year ah dok" And indeed. I checked my FB & my Note stated 20th July 2011.

Therefore HAPPY TUDUNGVASARY ANNISA!! Wahahahahha!! I told my mom & she was like "Oh tak celebrate?" Layan!

Iyer ler full time maksud aku pakai 24/7 with any company. Dulu dengan family jer aku pakai. "Part time" minah tudung gitu. Sekarang Alhamdullillah sebab dah blaja ugama lagi mendalam kan, dah tahu lah. Konon dah understand the concept of tudung. Kalau tak paham jugak lepas pergi different classes, mentak kene jotos jer aku!

Once dah pakai full time, gambar-gambar aku tak bertudung, semua aku seal/delete. Susah sey tapi i managed too. Alhamdullillah. Iyer lah mengcover aurat bukan for live jer. Dalam gambar pun main peranan! Yang dah leak to Google, Wallahualam. Yang kat members nyer albums pun Wallahualam. InShaAllah Allah ampun kan dosa aku zaman jahilliyah.

Oh and nasib aku baik that tempat kerja aku kasi aku pakai tudung. Kalau tak bagi, aku quit kerja! Betul tak bedek. Iyer aku cakap senang tapi kalau aku buat kerana Allah, mesti bergunung pahala aku kan Jonet kan kan kan. Dosa aku dah lah banyak daripada pahala, kalau ada chan nak collect pahala, siapa taknak oiii...

Sekarang kan macam-macam pesen tudung ada. Pesen tudung Hana Tajima lah, tudung Yuna lah, tudung saji lah. Walaubagaimana pun yer keng kawan, niat kita bertudung kerana Allah. And kalau kerana Allah, mesti lah sempurna. Correct? #selfreminder #notjudging

Ah cakap pasal Yuna, ada 1 hari ni aku nak beli tudung abeh pakcik tu tanya, "Nak, taknak beli tudung Yuna?". Aku pun jawab "Kalau saya pakai tudung Yuna, saya boleh jadi popular macam dia tak pakcik?". Abeh pakcik pulak layan aku "Anak nanti jadi lagi popular dari dia lah!" Amboi pakcik, boleh tahan you!

Ok jadi wahai muslimats sekalian, bertudung tu senang tapi nak menutup aurat tu susah sikit. You know the difference? You know what i meng? Takpe pelan-pelan InShaAllah kita semua akan buat yang terrrrbaik untuk Allah.


P/S Aku rasa aku blog bahasa Melayu (dan sikit omputeh) lagi best ah sebab takya fikir pasal grammar errors or whatnot bahahaha!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

3578 years later!

HOMG it has been so long since I last blog, man. I miss blogging like a fat kid miss her cupcakes. Speaking of which, I have been obsessed with baking. Give me a pan & a stove, I will not know what to do but give me a mixer & an oven, I’ll bake you something. Hahaha catchy eh but seriously I’m more to baking then cooking. I tried a couple of times cooking but they don’t look pretty like my sweet delights. They don’t make me explore my creativity. What? I’m a lefty, I need to take make full use of the mindset of “left handed people are creative”. LOL seriously macam paham.
I used to blog about everything in the world. And of course I got scared cause my blog entry (which is very offensive to someone) was circulated around the social network. I straight away brought it down & toned down my blogging. As time passed by, my blogging habit has stopped. Well not exactly stopped, I actually went on hiatus. I started with Multiply in 2004 (I think) and slowly moved to Blogger (because my cousin, Faddy, said blogger is better) and ended up in Tumblr which is around last year? I can’t remember.
So what makes me come back blogging? Because once a blogger, always a blogger. WAHAHA! Please don’t give me that face! I don’t actually have a valid reason on “why I start blogging”. I just feel like this cyber space has somehow stolen part of my heart. *looks left & right* Did I just say it out loud? Super corny.
And now that I’ve started blogging, I thought I will blog more on my bakings. My pretty little babies need extra love you see. They not only taste sweet but they are just the best thing to smile at when they turn out good. Well even if they don’t turn out great, they made me want to do more & make them again until I am near perfect. (I can’t say myself perfect, can I?)
Other then bakings, I shall blog about beautiful things in this world like Islam (of course Islam is the most beautiful thing on earth) or anything super random or I don’t know, future generations? InShaAllah. For now, I shall stop here & I’ll see if this blogging can last forever or just a month or two like my Tumblr. Gah!